This blog is trying to pack some information about;
- Me and my buddy’s stories and "first hand" experience to accomplish our dream to be a healing master
- Create public interest in various aspect of parapsychology and its uses, mainly related to healing mind, body, consciousness and extra-sensory-projection (ESP).
- Provide some lesson for basic step in training psychic capabilities.
- Cover various blog and related sites to parapsychology, filter information and present to visitor of this blog.
This blog is for who have interested in parapsychology fields, ESP and healing. Visitors are encouraged to contribute their article related to title above by writing it originally form you and publish on this blog. Visitors also can tell some stories about your having experience in parapsychology, ESP, healing or related or a least leave some comment below each every post. Take note that, we are not good enough in English by we’ll try our best to give you clear picture what we about to tell. So, please don’t mind our English's grammar and spelling :).
-Naim, Adib, Families & Friends-
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